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Super keyword in Java, interesting behavior, please explain


Lets say that we have the following code:

class A {      public void doLogic() {         System.out.println("doLogic from A");     } }  class B extends A {      @Override     public void doLogic() {         System.out.println("doLogic from B");     }      public void doDifferentLogic() {         System.out.println("doDifferentLogic from B");         super.doLogic();     } }  class C extends B {      @Override     public void doLogic() {         System.out.println("doLogic from C");     } }  public class Test {      public static void main(String[] args) {         C c = new C();         c.doDifferentLogic();     } } 

When we execute this code the expected behavior is the following: Since c holds a reference to object of class C, when you invoke the c.doDifferentLogic() method the JVM searches for the method in the C class and since it is not found it starts looking at the inheritance tree. As expected the doDifferentLogic() method is found in the super class and executed. However the construct super.doLogic() is expected to look from the current reference "Point of View", which is of type C. So the super of C should B, but instead the method from the top class A is invoked.

If you remove the super keyword, or replace it with the this keyword (which is the same as "this" is implicit), you get the expected polymorphic behavior and the doLogic() from C class is invoked.

So my question is: Should call to super.doLogic() be this.super.doLogic()(2), instead of static.super.doLogic()(1) ?

Both are invalid constructs, they are here just to try to explain myself better.

(1)or in other words - from the reference to the current object c , get the superclass of the current object and invoke the doLogic() method instead of (2)from this class get the superclass and invoke its doLogic() method ?

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Антон Антонов Avatar asked Feb 26 '14 17:02

Антон Антонов

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1 Answers

In Java, the super keyword always refers to the superclass of the type in which the keyword is used, not the superclass of the dynamic type of the object on which the method is invoked. In other words, super is resolved statically, not dynamically. This means that in the context of class B, the super keyword always refers to class A, regardless of whether the B method is executed using a C object as the receiver. To the best of my knowledge, there isn't a way to dynamically determine the superclass type and use its methods without using reflection.

Hope this helps!

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templatetypedef Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 17:10
