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Summing across rows of Pandas Dataframe

I have a DataFrame of records that looks something like this:

stocks = pd.Series(['A', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'C'], name = 'stock')
positions = pd.Series([ 100, 200, 300, 400, 500], name = 'positions')
same1 = pd.Series(['AA', 'AA', 'BB', 'CC', 'CC'], name = 'same1')
same2 = pd.Series(['AAA', 'AAA', 'BBB', 'CCC', 'CCC'], name = 'same2')
diff = pd.Series(['A1', 'A2', 'B3' ,'C1', 'C2'], name = 'different')
df = pd.DataFrame([stocks, same1, positions, same2, diff]).T

This gives a pandas DataFrame that looks like

      stock same1 positions same2 different
0     A    AA       100   AAA        A1
1     A    AA       200   AAA        A2
2     B    BB       300   BBB        B3
3     C    CC       400   CCC        C1
4     C    CC       500   CCC        C2

I'm not interested in the data in 'different' columns and want to sum the positions along the unique other columns. I am currently doing it by:


which gives:

stock  same1  same2
A      AA     AAA      300
B      BB     BBB      300
C      CC     CCC      900
Name: positions

Problem is that this is a pd.Series (with Multi-Index). Currently I iterate over it to build a DataFrame again. I am sure that I am missing a method. Basically I want to drop 1 column from a DataFrame and then "rebuild it" so that one column is summed and the rest of the fields (which are the same) stay in place.

This groupby method breaks if there are empty positions. So I currently use an elaborate iteration over the DataFrame to build a new one. Is there a better approach?

like image 553
Joop Avatar asked Jun 18 '13 10:06


People also ask

How do I sum across rows in pandas?

To sum all the rows of a DataFrame, use the sum() function and set the axis value as 1. The value axis 1 will add the row values.

How do you sum a DataFrame?

Using DataFrame.Use DataFrame. sum() to get sum/total of a DataFrame for both rows and columns, to get the total sum of columns use axis=1 param. By default, this method takes axis=0 which means summing of rows.

How do you add two rows in a data frame?

To append the rows of one dataframe with the rows of another, we can use the Pandas append() function.

How do you add a total row in Python?

We can use the sum() DataFrame method to quickly total all DataFrame columns. The result will be a Series.

1 Answers

Step 1. Use [['positions']] instead of ['positions']:

In [30]: df2 = df.groupby(['stock','same1','same2'])[['positions']].sum()

In [31]: df2 

stock same1 same2               
A     AA    AAA          300 
B     BB    BBB          300 
C     CC    CCC          900 

Step 2. And then use reset_index to move the index back to the column

In [34]: df2.reset_index()
  stock same1 same2  positions
0     A    AA   AAA        300 
1     B    BB   BBB        300 
2     C    CC   CCC        900


Seems my method is not so good.

Thanks to @Andy and @unutbu , you can achieve your goal by more elegant ways:

method 1:

df.groupby(['stock', 'same1', 'same2'])['positions'].sum().reset_index()

method 2:

df.groupby(['stock', 'same1', 'same2'], as_index=False)['positions'].sum()
like image 137
waitingkuo Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09
