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sum of an array using recursion Javascript

Looking for a way to solve this problem by recursing sum(). Right now, the code works, but I am supposed to call sum() more than once, and it should not mutate the input array.

var sum = function(array) {
    if(array.length === 0){
        return 0;
    function add(array, i){
        if(i === array.length-1){
            return array[i];
        return array[i] + add(array, i+1);
    return add(array, 0);
sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) //21
like image 908
Wendy Avatar asked May 24 '16 23:05


1 Answers

A one-liner that meets all your requirements:

var sum = function(array) {
    return (array.length === 0) ? 0 : array[0] + sum(array.slice(1));

// or in ES6

var sum = (array) => (array.length === 0) ? 0 : array[0] + sum(array.slice(1));

// Test cases
sum([1,2,3]); // 6

var s = [1,2,3];
sum(s); // 6
sum(s); // 6


  • In a recursive call, you need to model your task as reduction to a base case. The simplest base case in this case is the empty array - at that point, your function should return zero.
  • What should the reduction step be? Well you can model a sum of an array as the result of adding the first element to the sum of the remainder of the array - at some point, these successive calls will eventually result in a call to sum([]), the answer to which you already know. That is exactly what the code above does.
  • array.slice(1) creates a shallow copy of the array starting from the first element onwards, and no mutation ever occurs on the original array. For conciseness, I have used a ternary expression.


-> 1 + sum([2,3])
-> 1 + 2 + sum([3])
-> 1 + 2 + 3 + sum([])
-> 1 + 2 + 3 + 0
-> 6
like image 179
Akshat Mahajan Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 04:09

Akshat Mahajan