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Subversion equivalent to Git's 'show' command?


I like how you can see what went into a git with git show rev

I haven't found an equivalent in Subversion. It seems Subversion wants you to do a diff between two commits to get anything reasonable.

Am I mistaken, or is there an equivalent to git show in svn to just see what went into a commit?

like image 542
randombits Avatar asked Aug 03 '10 17:08


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2 Answers

svn diff -c rev will show what changes happened in the specified revision.

svn log --diff -c rev will show the diff and the commit information.

like image 71
jamessan Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 03:12


I take it you want to see not the list of files in the commit, but the contents of a file itself as it was in the commit. You can do this with svn cat -r rev filename, where "rev" is the revision number and "filename" is the path or URL to the file. Check svn help cat for more info.

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rmeador Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 01:12
