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SUBSTR does not work with datatype "timestamp" in Postgres 8.3



I have a problem with the query below in postgres

SELECT u.username,l.description,l.ip,SUBSTRING(l.createdate,0,11) as createdate,l.action
FROM n_logs AS l LEFT JOIN n_users AS u ON u.id = l.userid
WHERE SUBSTRING(l.createdate,0,11) >= '2009-06-07'
    AND SUBSTRING(l.createdate,0,11) <= '2009-07-07';

I always used the above query in an older version of postgres and it worked 100%. Now with the new version of posgres it gives me errors like below

**ERROR:  function pg_catalog.substring(timestamp without time zone, integer, integer) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT u.username,l.description,l.ip,SUBSTRING(l.createdate,...
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.**

I assume it has something to do with datatypes, that the data is a time zone and that substring only support string datatypes, now my question is what can I do about my query so that my results would come up?

like image 675
Elitmiar Avatar asked Jul 07 '09 12:07


People also ask

Does Postgres support timestamp?

PostgreSQL supports the full set of SQL date and time types, shown in Table 8.9.

How are timestamps stored in Postgres?

PostgreSQL stores the timestamptz in UTC value. When you insert a value into a timestamptz column, PostgreSQL converts the timestamptz value into a UTC value and stores the UTC value in the table.

How does substring work in PostgreSQL?

The PostgreSQL substring function is used to extract a string containing a specific number of characters from a particular position of a given string. The main string from where the character to be extracted. Optional. The position of the string from where the extracting will be starting.

1 Answers

The explicit solution to your problem is to cast the datetime to string.


Now, this isn't at all a good practice to use the result to compare dates.

So, the good solution to your need is to change your query using the explicit datetime manipulation, comparison and formatting functions, like extract() and to_char()

You'd have to change your query to have a clause like

l.createdate::DATE >= '2009-06-07'::DATE 
AND l.createdate::DATE < '2009-07-08'::DATE;

or one of the alternatives below (which you should really accept instead of this.)

like image 159
Vinko Vrsalovic Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 13:10

Vinko Vrsalovic