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Submit without the use of a submit button, Mechanize

So, I started out with Mechanize, and apparently the first thing I try it on is a monkey-rhino-level high JavaScript navigated site.

Now the thing I'm stuck on is submitting the form.

Normally I'd do a submit using the Mechanize built-in submit() function.

import mechanize

browser = mechanize.Browser()
browser.select_form(name = 'foo')
browser.form['bar'] = 'baz'

This way it'd use the submit button that's available in the HTML form.

However, the site I'm stuck on had to be one that doesn't use HTML submit buttons... No, they're trying to be JavaScript gurus, and do a submit via JavaScript.

The usual submit() doesn't seem to work with this.

So... Is there a way to get around this?

Any help is appreciated. Many thanks!


The JavaScript function I'm stuck on:

function foo(bar, baz) {
    var qux = document.forms["qux"];

    qux.bar.value = bar.split("$").join(":");
qux.baz.value = baz;

What I did in Python (and what doesn't work):

def foo(browser, bar, baz):
    qux = browser.select_form("qux")

    browser.form[bar] = ":".join(bar.split("$"))
    browser.form[baz] = baz
like image 592
Aeveus Avatar asked Feb 17 '11 22:02


People also ask

Is it possible to submit a form without a submit button?

The form can be submitted without using submit button by implementing a specific event attribute or by clicking the link. This task can be done by using the OnClick event attribute or by using the form. submit() method in Javascript.

How do I automatically submit a form without clicking?

Submit a Form Using JavaScript The most simple way to submit a form without the submit button is to trigger the submit event of a form using JavaScript. In the below example we are going to create a function to submit a form. We will set that function at onclick event of a div tag.

What is mechanize in Python?

The mechanize module in Python is similar to perl WWW:Mechanize. It gives you a browser like object to interact with web pages. Here is an example on how to use it in a program.

What happens when submit button is clicked?

5. Most HTML forms have a submit button at the bottom of the form. Once all of the fields in the form have been filled in, the user clicks on the submit button to record the form data. The standard behaviour is to gather all of the data that were entered into the form and send it to another program to be processed.

1 Answers

Three ways:

The first method is preferable if the form is submitted using the POST/GET method, otherwise you'll have to resort to second and third method.

  1. Submitting the form manually and check for POST/GET requests, their parameters and the post url required to submit the form. Popular tools for checking headers are the Live HTTP headers extension and Firebug extension for Firefox, and Developer Tools extension for Chrome. An example of using the POST/GET method:

    import mechanize
    import urllib
    browser = mechanize.Browser()
    #These are the parameters you've got from checking with the aforementioned tools
    parameters = {'parameter1' : 'your content',
                  'parameter2' : 'a constant value',
                  'parameter3' : 'unique characters you might need to extract from the page'
    #Encode the parameters
    data = urllib.urlencode(parameters)
    #Submit the form (POST request). You get the post_url and the request type(POST/GET) the same way with the parameters.
    #Submit the form (GET request)
    browser.open(post_url + '%s' % data)
  2. Rewrite the javascript and execute it in Python. Check out spidermonkey.

  3. Emulate a full browser. Check out Selenium and Windmill.

like image 112
PadawanRay Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 22:10
