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Sublimetext to 2 rows 1 column



Is it possible to have a layout in sublime text 2 with two rows at the top and one collumn at the bottom:

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thank you.

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KSPR Avatar asked Dec 04 '13 08:12


1 Answers

One way to do that is to install Origami via PackageControl.

Origami is a new way of thinking about panes in Sublime Text 2 and 3: you tell Sublime Text where you want a new pane, and it makes one for you. It works seamlessly alongside the built-in layout commands.

Ordinarily one uses the commands under View>Layout, or if one is quite intrepid a custom keyboard shortcut can be made to give a specific layout, but both of these solutions were unsatisfactory to me. Perhaps they were to you too! That's what this plugin is for.

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AGS Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09