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Sublime Text. Hide, but not exclude files/folders from the project?



Is it possible to just hide, but not exclude from the project? So I can still access them in project search etc?

By hiding I mean not displaying them in sidebar. When I just exclude files from the project I can't access them through Cmd-P.

like image 251
kali187 Avatar asked Jun 19 '15 09:06


1 Answers

To hide files from the sidebar, you’ll need to:

-Save the current open directory as project (Project > Save Project As) - Open the .sublime-project file and copy the path - Paste in the following code and paste in the path copied above

 "folders": [
     "folder_exclude_patterns": [
     "path": "/your/project/path/here",
     "file_exclude_patterns": [

reference from hiding files in sublime

like image 196
Minhaj Ahammed Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10

Minhaj Ahammed