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Sublime text 2 search does not work



I have ST2 installed on Win7 and for some reason the global 'Find in Files' (ctrl+shift+f) stopped working (it worked before). Now all i get is :

Searching 0 files for "capbSectionac"

0 matches across 0 files

The regular search in the currently opened file is working correctly.

I tried re-installing it but to no avail :(

Anyone encountered it? Any solution?

like image 860
Tomer Avatar asked Jun 03 '13 10:06


People also ask

How do I search in Sublime Text?

Use the Search all shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + F , then select the folder in the "Where:" box below. (And for Mac, it's ⌘ + Shift + F ). If the root directory for the project is proj, with subdirectories src and aux and you want to search in all subfolders, use the proj folder.

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However, Sublime 3 has it's own built in version of that particular functionality called the Command Palette, which is bound to the key stroke Ctrl+Shift+P … That will open up a panel that will allow you to search for all known commands, and then you can follow the rest of the article to bind the keys you want.

2 Answers

Note that it says "Searching 0 files".

In the second field "Where:", make sure you don't have a folder selected. You should see the placeholder text "Open files and folders" which means that it will search in the whole project. If you don't see this placeholder, even if the "Where" field is empty try clicking on the "..." button and then click on "Clear".

source: http://www.sublimetext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12611

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matiascelasco Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11


I had the same problem. At some time I noticed that the Where: field (below Find:) didn't show any placeholder text ("Open files and folders"), as it is supposed to when it's empty. It turns out that the Where: field wasn't empty and therefore the search was like happening nowhere. As I cleared this field, the search worked again.

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Linus Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11
