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Sublime Linter not working in Windows



As the title says.
The linter doesnt seem to work at all for me in Windows. I have tried it with javascript and php files with the correct syntax set.
Im following Jeffery Ways tutorial here -> https://tutsplus.com/lesson/sublime-linter/

I have installed package control, SublimeLinter and nothing, removed it installed sublimelinter beta and nothing too.

Any help please

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Pierce McGeough Avatar asked Jan 12 '13 14:01

Pierce McGeough

3 Answers

From SublimeLinter's github page:

"If you plan to edit files that use a Javascript-based linter (Javascript, CSS), your system must have a Javascript engine installed... On Windows, you must install the Javascript engine Node.js, which can be downloaded from the Node.js site."


Install it like a normal Windows application. Close Sublime and restart. Linting should be working.

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d_rail Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 13:10


You need to point the SublimeLinter to your PHP executable file in the SublimeLinter.sublime-settings.

Change this option:

    "php": "C:\\wamp\\bin\\php\\php5.3.13\\php.exe"


See this link for more help


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DaShortLife Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 14:10


In order to get SublimeLint linting js files, I had to follow the instructions here and install this additional plugin:

(I didn't need to follow the 'Linter configuration' step)


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eikumbokum Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 14:10
