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Subdomain Routing in Meteor js

Any ideas on how subdomain routing can be achieved with meteor?

Or would it be best to use a reverse proxy such as nginx or HAproxy?

i can use something like /?s=subdomain in nginx

But that seems like a hacky way to achieve what should be possible with the router

I ahve no idea what the caveats will be (being new to meteor)and whether it can be counted on in a produciton environment w/high traffic(the routing call I mean).

any idea how meteor achieve his on their server?

EDIT: specifically how to achieve http://subdomain.example.com routing to Collection.content.find({'domain':'subdomain'})

EDIT #2 : I have achieved this using nginx, solution to follow. but please see this question which answers most of my concerns and gives me a way to also achieve this with node : nginx vs node-http-proxy.

like image 980
Paul Harwood Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 04:11

Paul Harwood

1 Answers

It would probably be best to look into something like node-http-proxy to solve your problem. I had a similar routing problem (when bundled and deployed) and it solved mine!


like image 137
Kendrick Ledet Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Kendrick Ledet