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Subclipse : Package explorer doesn't show packages, it shows file directory view :(

I have a problem regarding Subclipse and the Eclipse Package Explorer. The svn update-progress itself works perfect, however when I restart Eclipse after having updated the sources with Subclipse, the Eclipse Package Explorer shows every file/directory as if it was a single package. Thus the view is confusing. Is this a known problem? Does anyone know a fix? Thanks in advance Kapila

like image 674
Kapila Avatar asked Sep 26 '09 13:09


1 Answers

If you mean it shows intermediate packages (e.g. org, org.apache, org.apache.junit etc.), you can restore the Eclipse filters to hide empty parent packages and hide .* resources (such as the .svn folders). It seems to be a feature of Subclipse that it messes with the filters sometimes.

To do so open the Filters... dialog by selecting the downwards-pointing triangle in the package explorer view.

filters screenshot http://wiki.objectstyle.org/confluence/download/attachments/3385/packageExplorer-filters.jpg

Then ensure .* and/or .svn-base are selected. This will hide them from view.

select .* resources

In the same dialog you can select that Empty parent packages be hidden if not already.

empty parent packages filter
(source: eclipse.org)

like image 55
Rich Seller Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Rich Seller