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Sub aggregations in elasticsearch

I am trying to work out with Elasticsearch aggregations! I want to fetch the users that have same operations ID anf for each ID also match two other fields! So it's like aggregations upon aggregations! I am not understanding how to go about it! Can someone help with structuring it??

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Aishwarya Soni Avatar asked Aug 24 '16 04:08

Aishwarya Soni

1 Answers

From the official documentation:

Bucketing aggregations can have sub-aggregations (bucketing or metric). The sub-aggregations will be computed for the buckets which their parent aggregation generates. There is no hard limit on the level/depth of nested aggregations (one can nest an aggregation under a "parent" aggregation, which is itself a sub-aggregation of another higher-level aggregation).

You should also check out the more verbose Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide.

There you can find complete examples, such as the following which is provided in the chapter "Aggregations » Aggregation Test-Drive » Adding a Metric to the Mix":

GET /cars/transactions/_search
   "size" : 0,
   "aggs": {
      "colors": {
         "terms": {
            "field": "color"
         "aggs": { 
            "avg_price": { 
               "avg": {
                  "field": "price" 

This aggregation is nesting the avg metric inside the terms bucket, effectively generating an average for each color (compare guide).

like image 159
Friedrich Große Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

Friedrich Große