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Styling Password Fields in CSS

I'm experiencing a minor issue with fonts in my stylesheet.

This is my CSS:

body {   ...   font: normal 62.5% "Lucida Sans Unicode",sans-serif; }  #wrapper_page {   ...   font-size: 1.2em; }  input, select, textarea {   ...   font: bold 100% "Lucida Sans Unicode",sans-serif; } 

And this is the result:

browser password fields

I think there is an internal css setting, somewhere, on webkits that modify the shape of the password dots. How can I get rid of it and have the same style on every browser?


EDIT: I just found something curious: by default, webkit browsers apply this CSS to password fields:

input[type="password"] {   -webkit-text-security: disc; } 

And that's what is replacing the classic middot. I tried setting it to circle or none, but I cannot get something similar to what is shown by other browsers.

EDIT: I FOUND A SOLUTION. If you are using "Lucida Sans Unicode" font for your website, that's the problem! The only font that emulate correctly the password field's big dots of other browsers is Verdana, mixed with a little bit of letter spacing. So, for both Opera and Webkit, use the following code to fix it:

.opera input[type="password"], .webkit input[type="password"] {   font: large Verdana,sans-serif;   letter-spacing: 1px;  } 
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Tommaso Belluzzo Avatar asked Jul 28 '11 13:07

Tommaso Belluzzo

People also ask

How do I change my password style in HTML?

You can't change the password masking character in the standard password field. You can fake it with a textbox, but it makes for a weak security model because you don't get the protection you do from the password textbox.

How do you style input in CSS?

If you only want to style a specific input type, you can use attribute selectors: input[type=text] - will only select text fields. input[type=password] - will only select password fields. input[type=number] - will only select number fields.

How do you put a password field in HTML?

To take password input in HTML form, use the <input> tag with type attribute as a password. This is also a single-line text input but it masks the character as soon as a user enters it.

How do I show a password field?

Right-click the password field and click Inspect Element. A gray bar will appear with the password field highlighted. Press Alt+M or click on the icon shown below to open the Markup Panel. It will show you the code for the password field.

2 Answers

The best I can find is to set input[type="password"] {font:small-caption;font-size:16px}


input {    font: small-caption;    font-size: 16px;  }
<input type="password">
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Sotiris Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09


When I needed to create similar dots in input[password] I use a custom font in base64 (with 2 glyphs see above 25CF and 2022)

After that, I got identical display input[password]

<form action="#"> <input type="password" placeholder="Your password" /> <br> <br> <input type="password" placeholder="Repean your password" /> </form>
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Aleksandr Zidyganov Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09

Aleksandr Zidyganov