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Styling handles/control points on polyline in edit mode

Is there a way to change the style of the white squares that are used as vertex handles by default when a polyline is set to editable:true?

I can see that changing the stroke of the polyline affects those handle squares, but I'd like to either change the shape of handle (e.g. to a circle), or substitute an image.

like image 805
mlm Avatar asked Jul 13 '12 18:07


1 Answers

The only way I've managed to found is a direct manipulation of DOM elements corresponding to those markers. For instance, they may be selected using

$('div').filter(function() {
  return $(this).css('width') == '11px';

Probably, more reliable approach is a DOM tree traverse starting from $('.gm-style') element.

like image 147
savenkov Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09
