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struggling with c++ IDE's on linux

hi I'm really frustrated, First I have no idea how to code the very complex (make files), so I'm using IDE's that would ease the job for me like (netbeans , eclipse ,Kdevelop .. etc) i almost tried every thing starting with

  • Emacs (i'm very slow on it and I need autocompletion)
  • Netbeans 6.9.1 (crashes , very slow editor,but amazing and very easy in project creation)
  • Eclipse (fast editor, i just hate the project configurations even in php it was so annoying)
  • Kdevelop(I couldn't even get through the Hello world , configuration and Cmake issues "no executable specified " :S :S
  • code blocks not so many ppl recommends it
  • anjuta the code completion really sux

you might think i'm lazy or give up quickly but I swear I've searched alot and read the pooooooor tutorials of each one that is bloated with much information that no body needs for getting started.And I think we're really in lack of good documentation in the world of programming. and you can very much see that in (Boost library website) I really hope someone gives me helpful method on how to survive all this mess.

either I'll end up reading CMAKE details that i don't need , and memorize EMACS short cuts (CTRL x CTRL bla bla) and give up the idea of the comfortable easy to use IDEs in 2010 !

After thankfully very good answers , I think it's a must That I read about CMAKE , makefiles concepts. then half of my problems will go away , And I think now using IDE's that blind me from understanding the "Make" things isn't going to be helpful as i'm planning for long term development on linux

thanks for the brilliant simple answers.

p.s (Qt creator is awesome !! it's so much MAC like neat, clean and user friendly )

10 days later: goin old school and using EMACS and CMAKE

Many weeks later: Guys Eclipse Is the best ! seriously :) Emacs is fine but maybe fore a starter who wants to sharpen his writing skills but after a while it will be tedious work and you'll need to get things done fast !

I don't know why I came back here, I guess this is my favorite question, One year now and yes I'm Still using Eclipse, I swear this is not a publicity (year period duh noway) I just really like eclipse and support it, the fact that it's free and still amazing is what makes me defend it, Eclipse now is my playground still not expert in it, anyway I shouldn't write anymore cause it's going to turn into a blog or something,

Just like to say don't give up on things at first easily it might save you hell of a time..

10 years later (2020), intellij + shell all the way, but honestly regret not learning emacs.

like image 365
Ismail Marmoush Avatar asked Oct 27 '10 17:10

Ismail Marmoush

People also ask

What IDE should I use for C?

Eclipse. It is one of the most popular, powerful and useful IDEs used by developers for C/C++ programming. It is open-source software which is simple and easy to use.

What IDE should I use for Linux?

Apache Netbeans It is a cross-platform IDE; it can be installed easily on any operating system running Java, such as Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux.

What IDE do professional C programmers use?

Visual Studio & Visual Studio Code VS and VS Code are good choices for engineers coding on C# or C/C++ langs. The C# support in IDE is designed for cross-platform C# development.

3 Answers

maybe you can try qt creator, it designed for developing QT application, however you can use it for other c++ program. It supports cmake.

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emailhy Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10


You are wrong about code::blocks.

I've tried most of what you list, but ended up, and is now using code::blocks.


If you are really interested in easy UI-development, look at Ultimate++

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slashmais Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10


I found these IDE's useful on Linux:

  • QtCreator
  • CodeLite
  • Code Blocks

Btw, if you plan to do more Linux development in the future then understanding make files is a must. To help you get started, here's the simplest example:

SOURCES=main.cpp hello.cpp

    g++ $(SOURCES) -o hello

Note: use an actual TAB instead of 4 spaces in front of the g++ .. line.

That's it.

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StackedCrooked Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10
