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Structured programming and Python generators?

Update: What I really wanted all along were greenlets.

Note: This question mutated a bit as people answered and forced me to "raise the stakes", as my trivial examples had trivial simplifications; rather than continue to mutate it here, I will repose the question when I have it clearer in my head, as per Alex's suggestion.

Python generators are a thing of beauty, but how can I easily break one down into modules (structured programming)? I effectively want PEP 380, or at least something comparable in syntax burden, but in existing Python (e.g. 2.6)

As an (admittedly stupid) example, take the following:

def sillyGenerator():
  for i in xrange(10):
    yield i*i
  for i in xrange(12):
    yield i*i
  for i in xrange(8):
    yield i*i

Being an ardent believer in DRY, I spot the repeated pattern here and factor it out into a method:

def quadraticRange(n):
  for i in xrange(n)
    yield i*i

def sillyGenerator():

...which of course doesn't work. The parent must call the new function in a loop, yielding the results:

def sillyGenerator():
  for i in quadraticRange(10):
    yield i
  for i in quadraticRange(12):
    yield i
  for i in quadraticRange(8):
    yield i

...which is even longer than before!

If I want to push part of a generator into a function, I always need this rather verbose, two-line wrapper to call it. It gets worse if I want to support send():

def sillyGeneratorRevisited():
  g = subgenerator()
  v = None
    while True:
      v = yield g.send(v)
  catch StopIteration:
  if v < 4:
    # ...
    # ...

And that's not taking into account passing in exceptions. The same boilerplate every time! Yet one cannot apply DRY and factor this identical code into a function, because...you'd need the boilerplate to call it! What I want is something like:

def sillyGenerator():
  yield from quadraticRange(10)
  yield from quadraticRange(12)
  yield from quadraticRange(8)

def sillyGeneratorRevisited():
  v = yield from subgenerator()
  if v < 4:
    # ...
    # ...

Does anyone have a solution to this problem? I have a first-pass attempt, but I'd like to know what others have come up with. Ultimately, any solution will have to tackle examples where the main generator performs complex logic based on the result of data sent into the generator, and potentially makes a very large number of calls to sub-generators: my use-case is generators used to implement long-running, complex state machines.

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Alice Purcell Avatar asked Nov 16 '09 22:11

Alice Purcell

2 Answers

However, I'd like to make my reusability criteria one notch harder: what if I need a control structure around my repeated generation?

itertools often helps even there - you need to provide concrete examples where you think it doesn't.

For instance, I might want to call a subgenerator forever with different parameters.


Or my subgenerators might be very costly, and I only want to start them up as and when they are reached.

Both chain and chain_from_iterable do that -- no sub-iterator is "started up" until the very instant the first item from it is needed.

Or (and this is a real desire) I might want to vary what I do next based on what my controller passes me using send().

A specific example would be greatly appreciated. Anyway, worst case, you'll be coding for x in blargh: yield x where the suspended Pep3080 would let you code yield from blargh -- about 4 extra characters (not a tragedy;-).

And if some sophisticated coroutine-version of some itertools functionality (itertools mostly supports iterators - there's no equivalent coroutools module yet) becomes warranted, because a certain pattern of coroutine composition is often repeated in your code, then it's not too hard to code it yourself.

For example, suppose we often find ourselves doing something like: first yield a certain value; then, repeatedly, if we're sent 'foo', yield the next item from fooiter, if 'bla', from blaiter, if 'zop', from zopiter, anything else, from defiter. As soon as we spot the second occurrence of this compositional pattern, we can code:

def corou_chaiters(initsend, defiter, val2itermap):
  currentiter = iter([initsend])
  while True:
    val = yield next(currentiter)
    currentiter = val2itermap(val, defiter)

and call this simple compositional function as and when needed. If we need to compose other coroutines, rather than general iterators, we'll have a slightly different composer using the send method instead of the next built-in function; and so forth.

If you can offer an example that's not easily tamed by such techniques, I suggest you do so in a separate question (specifically targeted to coroutine-like generators), as there's already a lot of material on this one that will have little to do with your other, much more complex/sophisticated, example.

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Alex Martelli Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10

Alex Martelli

You want to chain several iterators together:

from itertools import chain

def sillyGenerator(a,b,c):
    return chain(quadraticRange(a),quadraticRange(b),quadraticRange(c))
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Jochen Ritzel Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 00:10

Jochen Ritzel