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Structure of a single bounded context

Does bounded context span over all application layers (domain, application, presentation & infrastructure) or just domain model? For example should i use the following structure:

<bc 1>
 |_ domain
 |_ application
 |_ presentation
 |_ infrastructure
<bc 2>
 |_ domain
 |_ application
 |_ presentation
 |_ infrastructure

or the following:

 |_ <bc 1>
 |_ <bc 2>
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gseric Avatar asked Oct 31 '12 13:10


2 Answers

Both are valid approaches. I tend to favour the first option, because it allows better modularity and quite clear boundaries for high level BC. The second option is the 'standard' way of doing this, it favours let's say a more technical layering, while the first option literally favours a more domain driven layering.

Choose the one you feel more comfortable with.

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MikeSW Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 01:09


do as you see fit. Each bounded context will have a different domain and surely a different application layer, but we may imagine a common Infrastructure layer ou presentation layer. It really depends on your architectural choices, and on the application you are trying to build.

If you want a more precise answer, add some material to your question, so that we can get your context and your problematic.

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Arthis Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 01:09
