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Structure Map and Aspnet.Identity UserManager static class issue

I've got an issue with getting correct instance of UserManager in my Account Controller. Currently, I cannot get password reset to work as my provider and other settings are being ignored.

In Startup - void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app) I've got following:


Then in AccountManager class, method Create referenced above contains following:

public class ApplicationUserManager : UserManager<ApplicationUser>
    // Configure the application user manager
    public ApplicationUserManager(ApplicationUserStore store)
        : base(store)

public static ApplicationUserManager Create(IdentityFactoryOptions<ApplicationUserManager> options, IOwinContext context)
        var manager = new ApplicationUserManager(new ApplicationUserStore(new ViewingBookerDatabaseContext()));

        // Configure validation logic for usernames
        manager.UserValidator = new UserValidator<ApplicationUser>(manager)
            AllowOnlyAlphanumericUserNames = false,
            RequireUniqueEmail = true
        // Configure validation logic for passwords
        manager.PasswordValidator = new PasswordValidator
            RequiredLength = 6,
            RequireNonLetterOrDigit = false,
            RequireDigit = false,
            RequireLowercase = false,
            RequireUppercase = false,
        // Configure user lockout defaults
        manager.UserLockoutEnabledByDefault = true;
        manager.DefaultAccountLockoutTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
        manager.MaxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout = 5;

        var dataProtectionProvider = options.DataProtectionProvider;
        if (dataProtectionProvider != null)
            manager.UserTokenProvider = new DataProtectorTokenProvider<ApplicationUser>(dataProtectionProvider.Create("ASP.NET Identity"));
        return manager;

Now, this worked great before I installed IoC - in this case StrcutureMap. IoC for controllers is registered in following pattern:

Scan(scan =>
            scan.With(new ControllerConvention());

public class ControllerConvention : IRegistrationConvention
    public void Process(Type type, Registry registry)
        if (type.CanBeCastTo(typeof(Controller)) && !type.IsAbstract)
            registry.For(type).LifecycleIs(new UniquePerRequestLifecycle());

UserManager is then referenced in my AccountController as follows:

private ApplicationUserManager _userManager;
    public ApplicationUserManager UserManager
            return _userManager ?? HttpContext.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();
        private set
            _userManager = value;

    private IAuthenticationManager _authenticationManager
            return HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Authentication;

    public AccountController() 

    public AccountController(ApplicationUserManager userManager, ViewingBookerDatabaseContext context, CurrentUser currentUser, Logger logger, EmailService emailService)
        UserManager = userManager;
        _context = context;
        _currentUser = currentUser;
        _logger = logger;
        _emailService = emailService;

Now, UserManager is being used for my password reset, account creation etc. After installing IoC, I get "No ITokenProvider is registered" for password reset, account names with @ are being returned as invalid when creating user etc. Looks like AccountController's instance of ApplicationUserManager is not created via Create() method of ApplicationUserManager class.

Can anyone point me to a correct implementation of strucutre map, so it calls Create to get an instance of AccountUserManager rather than returning a generic instance of that class that contains no ITokenProvider spec. etc?

Thanks for your help.

like image 698
Paul Mieczkowski Avatar asked Jun 02 '14 09:06

Paul Mieczkowski

2 Answers

Ok guys. Since nobody replied for so long, had to do some further research and come up with following, probably not the most elegant, tho a working solution:

1. Startup.cs - remove following lines

app.CreatePerOwinContext<ViewingBookerDatabaseContext>   (ViewingBookerDatabaseContext.Create);

2. Introduce new variable in Startup.cs

public static IDataProtectionProvider DataProtectionProvider { get; private set; }

then, set it in public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app) to following:

DataProtectionProvider = app.GetDataProtectionProvider();

3. ApplicationUserManager or whatever you call it, remove static Create method and change its constructor to following:

         public ApplicationUserManager(ApplicationUserStore store)
        : base(store)
        // Configure validation logic for usernames
        UserValidator = new UserValidator<ApplicationUser>(this)
            AllowOnlyAlphanumericUserNames = false,
            RequireUniqueEmail = true

        // Configure validation logic for passwords
        PasswordValidator = new PasswordValidator
            RequiredLength = 6,
            RequireNonLetterOrDigit = false,
            RequireDigit = false,
            RequireLowercase = false,
            RequireUppercase = false,

        // Configure user lockout defaults
        UserLockoutEnabledByDefault = true;
        DefaultAccountLockoutTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
        MaxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout = 5;

For password reset ITokenProvider, simply reference Startup's DataProtectionProvider variable like this:

    if (Startup.DataProtectionProvider != null)
            UserTokenProvider = new DataProtectorTokenProvider<ApplicationUser>(Startup.DataProtectionProvider.Create("ASP.NET Identity"));

And finally...

in AccountController.cs - remove any reference to the getter of ApplicationUserManager and reuse the instance that is supplied in controller's constructor by StructureMap.

 public AccountController(ApplicationUserManager userManager)
        _userManager = userManager;

so you'll be calling _userManager object methods instead

   public ApplicationUserManager UserManager
        return _userManager ??    HttpContext.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();
    private set
        _userManager = value;
like image 151
Paul Mieczkowski Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 16:10

Paul Mieczkowski

You can register creation callbacks to set these properties outside of the static create. Here's how I accomplished the same thing:

        app.CreatePerOwinContext<ApplicationUserManager>(ApplicationUserManager.Create, (options, manager) =>
            options.DataProtectionProvider = app.GetDataProtectionProvider();
            manager.UserTokenProvider =
                new DataProtectorTokenProvider<ApplicationUser>(options.DataProtectionProvider.Create("AspNet.com"));
like image 35
tofortier Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 17:10
