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strncmp in python



I am parsing through a file with a list of paths. I am trying to see if one path is under a specific directory or not. So I have two strings: S1 = '/tmp/' and S2 = '/tmp/file.txt'

If I want to check if S2 contains S1 plus some extra bytes, in C, I would do a strncmp of S1 and S2 upto strlen(S1) bytes. Is there a way to do that in Python? I am new to Python and do not know all the modules available to me yet. I could implement this trivially by just iterating over the characters in the strings and comparing, but want to find out if there is anything that gives me these kind of helper functions by default

like image 769
R11 Avatar asked Feb 19 '13 02:02


People also ask

What is strcmp () and strncmp ()?

strcmp compares both the strings till null-character of either string comes whereas strncmp compares at most num characters of both strings. But if num is equal to the length of either string than strncmp behaves similar to strcmp.

When would you use a strncmp?

Presuming that the string in message is supposed to be null-terminated, the only reason to use strncmp() here rather than strcmp() would be to be to prevent it looking beyond the end of message , in the case where message is not null-terminated.

Can we compare two strings in python?

Python String comparison can be performed using equality (==) and comparison (<, >, != , <=, >=) operators. There are no special methods to compare two strings.

Is strncmp safer than strcmp?

Consequences are unlikely to happen in strcmp, but issue is the same. strnxxx function family try to prevent reading/writing not acquired memory. Disadvantage of using strn is extra compare and decrement operation on counter. In few words: strncmp is safer then strcmp, but it is slower too.

2 Answers

Yes. You can do: if a in b: That will check if a is a substring anywhere in b.


if 'foo' in 'foobar':
    print True

if 'foo' in 'barfoo':
    print True

From your post, it appears you want to only look at the start of the strings. In that case, you can use the .startswith method:

if 'foobar'.startswith('foo'):
    print "it does!"

Similarly, you can do the same thing with endswith:

if 'foobar'.endswith('bar'):
    print "Yes sir :)"

finally, maybe the most literal translation of strncmp would be to use slicing and ==:

if a[:n] == b[:n]:
    print 'strncmp success!'

Python also has many facilities for dealing with path names in the os.path module. It's worth investigating what is in there. There are some pretty neat functions.

like image 178
mgilson Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10


You're probably looking for os.path.commonprefix.

for example: os.path.commonprefix(['/tmp/','/tmp/file.txt']) will return '/tmp/

so you should check for len(os.path.commonprefix([s1,s2])) > 0

Check out docs here: http://docs.python.org/2/library/os.path.html

like image 40
rgrinberg Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 15:10
