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Stripe gateway rejecting live payments, thinking it’s in test mode

I'm trying to test my Stripe account with a live payment using my own debit card, but even though the toggle on my homepage dashboard is pointing to "Live", I get the following error on my site:

"Your card was declined. Your request was in test mode, but used a non test card. For a list of valid test cards, visit: https://stripe.com/docs/testing."

Dummy test numbers work ok in either mode, but it just keeps thinking it’s in test mode. I’ve checked the test and live API keys and they are correct, having re-entered them several times with no change.

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AnderSco01 Avatar asked Sep 16 '16 09:09


People also ask

How do I change my Stripe from test mode to live mode?

When you're done testing, remember to deactivate Test Mode in Stripe before allowing users to submit payments in your form. You can do this by going to WPForms » Settings » Payments, as in the previous step. To enable Live Mode, scroll to the Stripe section and deselect the Test Mode checkbox.

Why is Stripe in test mode?

To confirm that your integration works correctly, simulate transactions without moving any money, using special values in test mode. Test cards let you simulate several scenarios: Successful payments by card brand or country. Card errors due to declines, fraud, or invalid data.

Why are my Stripe payments failing?

There are three possible reasons why a credit card payment might fail: Payments declined by card issuers. Blocked payments. Invalid API calls.

Can you use Stripe test cards in live mode?

It only works with Stripe's pre-certified readers, and only against the Stripe API in test mode. If you attempt to use your physical test card in live mode, the Stripe API returns an error.

1 Answers

The toggle you see on your dashboard doesn't actually affect your ability to create charges in test mode or live mode, it just changes the view on the dashboard.

You can always use both test mode and live mode, no matter what that toggle is set to. This is done by specifying which set of API keys you're using to make a charge: https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys

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Ywain Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10
