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String.Replace does not seem to replace brackets with empty string




The following bit of C# code does not seem to do anything:

String str = "{3}";
str.Replace("{", String.Empty);
str.Replace("}", String.Empty);


This ends up spitting out: {3}. I have no idea why this is. I do this sort of thing in Java all the time. Is there some nuance of .NET string handling that eludes me?

like image 926
Brian Sweeney Avatar asked Jun 01 '09 21:06

Brian Sweeney

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3 Answers

The String class is immutable; str.Replace will not alter str, it will return a new string with the result. Try this one instead:

String str = "{3}";
str = str.Replace("{", String.Empty);
str = str.Replace("}", String.Empty);

like image 166
Fredrik Mörk Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10

Fredrik Mörk

String is immutable; you can't change an instance of a string. Your two Replace() calls do nothing to the original string; they return a modified string. You want this instead:

String str = "{3}";
str = str.Replace("{", String.Empty);
str = str.Replace("}", String.Empty);


It works this way in Java as well.

like image 8
Michael Petrotta Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10

Michael Petrotta

Replace actually does not modify the string instance on which you call it. It just returns a modified copy instead.

Try this one:

String str = "{3}";
str = str.Replace("{", String.Empty);
str = str.Replace("}", String.Empty);

like image 7
User Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10
