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String.Format like C# in typescript



Is it possible to use similar function like String.Format of C# in TypeScript?

My idea is to make some string like:

url = "path/{0}/{1}/data.xml"

depending of the logical I set {0} and {1}. Obiouslly I can replace them but I think String.Format is a clear function.

like image 239
David Avatar asked May 19 '18 18:05


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1 Answers

I think you are looking for back quote: ``

var firstname = 'Fooo';
var lastname = 'Bar';

console.log(`Hi ${firstname} ${lastname}. Welcome.`);

You can find the back quote on the tilde key. enter image description here

like image 155
Mike Bovenlander Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09

Mike Bovenlander