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string to list in special format in Javascript

I have a string containing comma separated names and optional values that seprated values like this:

var str = "PowerOn:On,ValidLocation, temp:25";

I want to convert it into objects or json that can access to values by name like this:

var a = {"PowerOn":"On", "ValidLocation":"true", "temp":25};
var result = a.PowerOn;


var a = {"PowerOn":"On", "ValidLocation":"true", "temp":25};
var result = a["PowerOn"];

Note 1: If a name doesn't have value it be true by default.


Note 2 :If a name doesn't exist in list the value of it be false: ex:

var a = {"PowerOn":"On", "ValidLocation":"true", "temp":25};
var result = a.Alarm 
//result must be false
like image 506
ArMaN Avatar asked Jul 17 '13 06:07


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1 Answers

var str = "PowerOn:On,ValidLocation, temp:25",
    arr = str.split(','),
    obj = {}

for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
    var parts = arr[i].split(':');
    obj[parts[0]] = parts[1] || true;


like image 193
adeneo Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 04:11
