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String Templating for object keys


I'm getting eslint error Unexpected string concatenation.eslint(prefer-template)

const listItemClasses = classNames({
          [' ' + classes[color]]: activeRoute(props, prop.layout + prop.path),

How to fix this with template literals `` or shall I need to update eslint rule to allow this?

like image 257
user2473015 Avatar asked Feb 28 '19 10:02


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1 Answers

The eslint rule prefer-template expects you not to concatenate strings, and only use template strings.

In your case, you need to replace

' ' + classes[color]


` ${classes[color]}`

IIRC, eslint has an "auto-fix" flag for fixing that kind of error.

Also, the eslint plugin for Visual Studio Code has the auto-fix built-in.

like image 63
Seblor Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09
