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STRING_SPLIT to Multiple Variables




I have a string that looks as such:


I would like to store each comma deliminated value into variables like so but programmatically in T-SQL:

Declare @Var1 float
Set @Var1 = 1.25

@Var2 = 5.34 
@Var3 = 6.9

And so on so forth..

How would I do so?

like image 845
Delrog Avatar asked May 17 '19 14:05


Video Answer

2 Answers

Convert to JSON

Perhaps the easiest solution would be to convert the string to a JSON array and access the items by position :

declare @text varchar(200)='1.25,5.34,6.9,8.6547,2.3'
declare @json varchar(202)='[' + @text + ']'

declare @var1 numeric(18,5)= JSON_VALUE(@json,'$[0]')
declare @var2 numeric(18,5)= JSON_VALUE(@json,'$[1]')

select @var1,@var2

Store in Table variable but lose the order

A set-based solution would be to store the items in a table variable BUT the order will probably be lost as Raymond Nijland noted :

declare @text varchar(200)='1.25,5.34,6.9,8.6547,2.3'

declare @values table (id int identity,val varchar(20))

insert into @values (val)
select trim(value) from STRING_SPLIT(@text,',') x

insert into SomeTable (value1)
select val 
from @values where ID=1

The only order that can be imposed is ascending or descending using ORDER BY, which assumes the input's order doesn't matter. Not very helpful.

like image 105
Panagiotis Kanavos Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09

Panagiotis Kanavos

If you have a fixed number of variables, you can use a little XML

Declare @S varchar(max) = '1.25,5.34,6.9,8.6547,2.3'

Declare @Var1 float,@Var2 float,@Var3 float,@Var4 float,@Var5 float

Select @Var1 = n.value('/x[1]','float')
      ,@Var2 = n.value('/x[2]','float')
      ,@Var3 = n.value('/x[3]','float')
      ,@Var4 = n.value('/x[4]','float')
      ,@Var5 = n.value('/x[5]','float')
From  (Select cast('<x>' + replace(@S,',','</x><x>')+'</x>' as xml) as n) X
like image 36
John Cappelletti Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09

John Cappelletti