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String replace using huge heap space



I am doing a xml parsing and doing some string replaceAll which is using a huge amount of memory space as shown in the below image.

Code goes like:

private final String getText() {
  // special handling for apostrophe encoding
  // site will expect both ' , ' and %27.
  // change %27 or 'or ' to '
  return _text.toString().trim().replaceAll("'", "'")
            .replaceAll("'", "'").replaceAll("%27", "'");

The getText() method is frequently call from endElement() method of SAXParser.

Can anyone suggest how do change this functionality which will use lesser heap space


like image 865
Aka Avatar asked Nov 28 '12 19:11


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2 Answers

Use replace() instead of replaceAll(). replaceAll() uses regular expression and you don't need them plus they are overhead.

like image 101
Eng.Fouad Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09


Using regular expressions for simple string replacement like this is too expensive. I would simply build a StringBuilder instance like this:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

while (not end of _text) {
   find next '&'
   if the next substring is in (' ') etc.
     append the prev portion of _text to sb
     append replacement char
     set the beginning of the chunk to the next char
return sb.toString();
like image 22
Eugene Retunsky Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Eugene Retunsky