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String indices in Swift 2

I decided to learn Swift and I decided to start with Swift 2 right away.

So here is a very basic example that's similar to one of the examples from Apple's own e-book about Swift

let greeting = "Guten Tag"

for index in indices(greeting) {

I tried this in the playground of Xcode 7 and I received the following error

Cannot invoke 'indices' with an argument list of type '(String)'

I also tried the same thing with Xcode 6 (which is Swift 1.2 AFAIK) and it worked as expected.

Now, my question is: Is this

  1. An error in Xcode 7, it's still a beta release after all, or
  2. Something that just doesn't work anymore with Swift 2 and the e-book just isn't fully updated yet?

Also: If the answer is "2", how would you replace indices(String) in Swift 2?

like image 239
mmgross Avatar asked Jun 11 '15 10:06


People also ask

Can you index a string in Swift?

String indices & substrings To access certain parts of a string or to modify it, Swift provides the Swift. Index type which represents the position of each Character in a String. The above prefix(upTo:) method returns a Substring and not a String.

What is string element in Swift?

Overview. A string is a series of characters, such as "Swift" , that forms a collection. Strings in Swift are Unicode correct and locale insensitive, and are designed to be efficient. The String type bridges with the Objective-C class NSString and offers interoperability with C functions that works with strings.

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Swift – String Length/Count To get the length of a String in Swift, use count property of the string. count property is an integer value representing the number of characters in this string.

2 Answers

In a Playground, if you go to menu View > Debug Area > Show debug area, you can see the full error in the console:

/var/folders/2q/1tmskxd92m94__097w5kgxbr0000gn/T/./lldb/94138/playground29.swift:5:14: error: 'indices' is unavailable: access the 'indices' property on the collection for index in indices(greeting)

Also, Strings do not conform to SequenceTypes anymore, but you can access their elements by calling characters.

So the solution for Swift 2 is to do it like this:

let greeting = "Guten Tag"

for index in greeting.characters.indices {




Of course, I assume your example is just to test indices, but otherwise you could just do:

for letter in greeting.characters {
like image 180
Eric Aya Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 08:10

Eric Aya

Just for completion, I have found a very simple way to get characters and substrings out of strings (this is not my code, but I can't remember where I got it from):

include this String extension in your project:

extension String {

    subscript (i: Int) -> Character {
        return self[self.startIndex.advancedBy(i)]

    subscript (i: Int) -> String {
        return String(self[i] as Character)

    subscript (r: Range<Int>) -> String {
        return substringWithRange(Range(start: startIndex.advancedBy(r.startIndex), end: startIndex.advancedBy(r.endIndex)))

this will enable you to do:

print("myTest"[3]) //the result is "e"
print("myTest"[1...3]) //the result is "yTe"
like image 1
Daniel Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 08:10
