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string concatenation with property binding in angular2


in Angular 2 we have several way to create property bindings in templates. I could do something like this:

<li *ngFor="#course of courses; #i = index" id="someselector-{{i}}">{{course}}</li> 

Is it possible to obtain the same result using the square brakets syntax?

<li *ngFor="#course of courses; #i = index" [id]="someselector-i">{{course}}</li>                                             ^^^^^^^                                   how create string concatenation? 

Thanks, G.

like image 784
gabric Avatar asked Apr 07 '16 10:04


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1 Answers

I found out that you can use this kind of syntax using square brackets:

<li *ngFor="#course of courses; #i = index" [id]="'someselector-'+i">{{course}}</li> 

For more information, please have a look to this interesting article from Pascal Precht: http://blog.thoughtram.io/angular/2015/08/11/angular-2-template-syntax-demystified-part-1.html

like image 174
gabric Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
