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Strictly typed pointers in C (hypothetically)




Here's a question I got in an exam today:

In C, suppose the pointers are strictly typed (ie, a pointer to an int cannot be used to point to a char). Does this reduce its expressive power? If no, why and how would you compensate for this limitation? If yes, how? And what more constructs would you have to add to "equalize" the loss of expressive power of C?

Some additional details:

  • By reduced expressive power, I think it means this: you will not be able to create certain programs that you could earlier.
  • Strictly typed pointers means you cannot do something like: int x = 5; int *p = &x; char *temp = (char*)p;
  • This includes (void*) conversions

I've included my answer below as well.

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Utkarsh Sinha Avatar asked Mar 26 '11 13:03

Utkarsh Sinha

People also ask

Are pointer variables strongly typed?

Pointers. Some programming languages expose pointers as if they were numeric values, and allow users to perform arithmetic on them. These languages are sometimes referred to as "weakly typed", since pointer arithmetic can be used to bypass the language's type system.

What is the type of a pointer in C?

Data Type of Pointer Pointer is a data type and the purest form of it in C is void *. A void * can pass the memory address around which is what a pointer does but it cannot be dereferenced. Dereferencing means to get at the data contained at the memory location the pointer is pointing at.

How pointers are used in C?

C uses pointers to create dynamic data structures -- data structures built up from blocks of memory allocated from the heap at run-time. C uses pointers to handle variable parameters passed to functions. Pointers in C provide an alternative way to access information stored in arrays.

2 Answers

Does that also mean no more void*? If so, then yes: C's expressiveness would be limited, as malloc would be impossible to implement. You'd need to add a new, typed, free store allocation mechanism in the spirit of C++ new.

(Or, no: C would still be Turing-complete. But I don't think that's what's meant here.)

Actually, C isn't even Turing-complete; see comments below.

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Fred Foo Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10

Fred Foo

It might actually increase C's expressiveness. C is one of the few languages for which any given implementation is specified not to be turing complete. The Representation of Types in the standard specifies all types as being represented as an overlaid array of char, meaning all types and the total data available to the program (the space of all possible pointers, all possible filenames, and all possible file offsets, etc.) is finitely bounded, and therefore the computation model of C is a finite state machine.

If you removed the requirement that pointers be represented as char [sizeof (pointer type)] then the formally-specified language could in principle deal with an infinite amount of data, and it would be Turing-complete.

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R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10