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Streaming data from Postgres into Python

I'm looking for advice on efficient ways to stream data incrementally from a Postgres table into Python. I'm in the process of implementing an online learning algorithm and I want to read batches of training examples from the database table into memory to be processed. Any thoughts on good ways to maximize throughput? Thanks for your suggestions.

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Chris Avatar asked Feb 24 '14 20:02


1 Answers

If you are using psycopg2, then you will want to use a named cursor, otherwise it will try to read the entire query data into memory at once.

cursor = conn.cursor("some_unique_name")
cursor.execute("SELECT aid FROM pgbench_accounts")
for record in cursor:

This will fetch the records from the server in batches of 2000 (default value of itersize) and then parcel them out to the loop one at a time.

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jjanes Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 16:10
