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StreamBuilder in Flutter stuck with ConnectionState.waiting and displays only the loading mark

Hi I am trying to display the data inside the Firebase documents into my Flutter dynamically where they get rendered using a loop, so I made a List<Widget> Cards and added to it the function makeItem() that contains the cards, and put them inside a loop, so the problem is that when I run the code it outputs print(snapshot.connectionState); as ConnectionState.waiting all the time and it should be async snapshot yet it refuses to load the data as required, I should mention that the data is display as wanted when I hit "Hot reload in Android Studio" . so I don't know how resolve this issue. Thanks in Advance

like image 578
AdnanAsali Avatar asked Apr 08 '20 22:04


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What does connectionstate waiting mean in streambuilders?

I thought I understood StreamBuilders but I have some doubts that are puzzling me. I thought that a ConnectionState.waiting means that the connection with the stream is being created so it is not still possible to receive stream data. Nevertheless in my case I am always receiving a ConnectionState.waiting .

How to use a streambuilder widget?

This tutorial explains how to use the widget. To use StreamBuilder, you need to call the constructor below. Basically, you need to create a Stream and pass it as the stream argument. Then, you have to pass an AsyncWidgetBuilder which can be used to build the widget based on the snapshots of the Stream.

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3 Answers

I had the same problem when using STREAM BUILDER with PROVIDER&CHANGE NOTIFIER.

When returning back to the view, one should re-assign the stream itself.

Make a get function for your stream and in that function before returning your stream re-assign the stream. That solved the problem of loading issue for me.

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Seha Karagöz Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 19:10

Seha Karagöz

Can you try the following?

class MyList extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return StreamBuilder<QuerySnapshot>(
      stream: _firestore.collection(widget.city).snapshots(),
      builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<QuerySnapshot> snapshot) {
        if (snapshot.hasError)
          return Text('Error: ${snapshot.error}');
        switch (snapshot.connectionState) {
          case ConnectionState.waiting: return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator(backgroundColor: Colors.amber,strokeWidth: 1),),
            return ListView(
              children: snapshot.data.documents.map((DocumentSnapshot document) {
                return makeItem(
                  pointName: document['name'],
                  huge: document['lastname'],
                  moderate: document['mobileNumber'],
                  none: document['location'],
                  fights: document['job'],
like image 2
Can Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 19:10


I think I got something for you try this out. It works on my emulator.

List<Widget> cards = [];
  Stream<QuerySnapshot> firebaseStream;

  void initState() {
    firebaseStream = Firestore.instance.collection('Hearings').snapshots();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: SafeArea(
        child: StreamBuilder<QuerySnapshot>(
          stream: firebaseStream,
          builder: (BuildContext context,
              AsyncSnapshot<QuerySnapshot> asyncSnapshot) {
            List<DocumentSnapshot> snapData;

            if (asyncSnapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) {
              return Container(
                child: Center(
                  child: CircularProgressIndicator(
                    backgroundColor: Colors.amber,
                    strokeWidth: 1,
            } else if (asyncSnapshot.connectionState ==
                ConnectionState.active) {
              snapData = asyncSnapshot.data.documents;
              if (asyncSnapshot.hasData) {
                for (int i = 0; i < snapData.length; i++) {
                  Widget card = Text(snapData[i].data['locationName']);

            return ListView.builder(
              itemCount: cards.length,
              itemBuilder: (context, index) => cards[index],

I got bad news too though now that the data is updating it exposed some flaws in your logic its duplicating old entries in your array. You'll see. That should be easy to fix though.

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wcyankees424 Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10
