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Strategies for server-side rendering of asynchronously initialized React.js components

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How React is used for server-side rendering?

Server-side rendering with JavaScript libraries like React is where the server returns a ready to render HTML page and the JS scripts required to make the page interactive. The HTML is rendered immediately with all the static elements.

Is Reactjs rendered server-side or client-side?

By default, your React app will be client-side rendered. This means basically, all of the source code will live in JavaScript files referenced in a single HTML file that initializes your app.

Does React use SSR or CSR?

CSR can be incorporated with the help of Javascript frameworks and libraries like Angular, VueJS and React SSR.

Is React router server-side rendering?

The most basic server rendering in React Router is pretty straightforward. However, there's a lot more to consider than just getting the right routes to render.

If you use react-router, you can just define a willTransitionTo methods in components, which gets passed a Transition object that you can call .wait on.

It doesn't matter if renderToString is synchronous because the callback to Router.run will not be called until all .waited promises are resolved, so by the time renderToString is called in the middleware you could have populated the stores. Even if the stores are singletons you can just set their data temporarily just-in-time before the synchronous rendering call and the component will see it.

Example of middleware:

var Router = require('react-router');
var React = require("react");
var url = require("fast-url-parser");

module.exports = function(routes) {
    return function(req, res, next) {
        var path = url.parse(req.url).pathname;
        if (/^\/?api/i.test(path)) {
            return next();
        Router.run(routes, path, function(Handler, state) {
            var markup = React.renderToString(<Handler routerState={state} />);
            var locals = {markup: markup};
            res.render("layouts/main", locals);

The routes object (which describes the routes hierarchy) is shared verbatim with client and server