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Strategies for localizing large amounts of text in .NET applications

I'm working on an fairly large ASP application that will be fully localized. I'm using the standard named resx approach in satellite assemblies, with fallbacks (that is, es-MX, es-CL and fallback common to es and so on).

Not only will there be probably hundreds (if not a thousand or more!) of different strings; in some places the amount of text that needs to be stored as resource can be long, to the tune of a few paragraphs.

I'm guessing it will be a royal pain to manage these strings in the Visual Studio editor, not to mention the fact that the people who will do some of the translations won't have access to VS in the first place.

How do you folks that work on localized apps manage this type of thing? Any advice and pointers would be appreciated.

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kprobst Avatar asked Feb 23 '11 21:02


1 Answers

If you decide to go DB, check out this article: Creating a Data Driven ASP.NET Localization Resource Provider and Editor by Rick Strahl and then download it for free

If you decide to still using resx, you can use Zeta Resource Editor to mitigate the pain.

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Eduardo Molteni Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11

Eduardo Molteni