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Strategies for Caching on the Web? [closed]



What concerns, processes, and questions do you take into account when deciding when and how to cache. Is it always a no win situation?

This presupposes you are stuck with a code base that has been optimized.

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IanL Avatar asked Sep 22 '08 14:09


2 Answers

I have been working with DotNetNuke most recently for web applications and there are a number of things that I consider each time I implement caching solutions.

  • Do all users need to see cached content?
  • How often does each bit of content change?
  • Can I cache the entire page?
  • Do I need a manual way to purge the cache?
  • Can I use a single cache mechanism for the entire site, or do I need multiple solutions?
  • What impacts occur if informaiton is somehow out of date?
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Mitchel Sellers Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09

Mitchel Sellers

I would look at each feature of your website/application a decided for each feature:

  • Should it be cached?
  • How long should it be cached for?
  • When should the cache be expunged?

I would personally go against caching whole pages in favour of caching sections of the website/application.

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GateKiller Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09
