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Strange things in java [duplicate]

Found some strange things in java.


System.out.println((true) ? (int)2.5 : 3.5);
System.out.println((true) ? (int)2.5 : 3);
System.out.println((true) ? (int)2.5 + "" : 3.5);



What is it? Why integer value returns only if value for false is not a double or if string value added to value for true? Why in second line rounding works by (int) cast, but double value returns yet? Is it a bug?

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Jozek Avatar asked Oct 10 '16 20:10


2 Answers

https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se8/html/jls-15.html#jls-15.25 specifies all these rules, which are behaving exactly consistently with your observed output.

There is only one type for the entire ternary expression, and that's what gets returned and that's what System.out.println is being called on. If you look it up in the table in that specification, you'll find the types in the lines you've mentioned are going to be double, int, and Object respectively.

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Louis Wasserman Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Louis Wasserman

In a schematic:

(true) ? (int)2.5 : 3.5

         int        double
           \        /

The double literal 2.5 is downsampled to int 2, then promoted back to double 2.0 because that's the type of the conditional expression.

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Marko Topolnik Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Marko Topolnik