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Storyboard doesn't contain a view controller with identifier ... when using multiple storyboard files

I used to have all my view controllers in the same storyboard, I decided that makes sense to split up the storyboards so I created a new storyboard file New File -> User Interface -> StoryBoard, cut all the controllers related with the user management (Login, register, password recover ...) and pasted them in the new file

Now when I call storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("LoginViewController") it crashes with the following error:

'Storyboard (<UIStoryboard: 0x...>) doesn't contain a view 
            controller with identifier 'LoginViewController''

How can I solve that?

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Addev Avatar asked Dec 08 '14 11:12


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2 Answers

I think your problem is here, navigate to the Main.storyBoard after that click on your viewController which you want to initiate after that give it to the identifier here:

enter image description here

May be this will help you.

like image 162
Dharmesh Kheni Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 02:10

Dharmesh Kheni

You have to create the new storyboard instance, and get the LoginViewController StoryboardId

//Here, create an instance of the second storyboard excluding the extension(.storyboard), 
var storyBoard = UIStoryboard(name: "SecondStoryBoard", bundle: nil) 

//Here instantiate view controller with the storyboard instance, 
//Before that create a storyboardId for the corresponding view controller.
var loginVC = storyBoard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("loginViewController") as LoginViewController

//Here, the storyboard identifier is "loginViewController" which is created in the respective view controller's "Identity" inspector

Hope this helps, Happy Coding :)

like image 39
Suresh Kumar Durairaj Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 04:10

Suresh Kumar Durairaj