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Storing passwords with Node.js and MongoDB

I'm looking for some examples of how to securely store passwords and other sensitive data using node.js and mongodb.

I want everything to use a unique salt that I will store along side the hash in the mongo document.

For authentication do I have to just salt and encrypt the input and match it to a stored hash?

Should I ever need to decrypt this data and if so how should I do it?

How are the private keys, or even salting methods securely stored on the server?

I've heard the AES and Blowfish are both good options, what should I use?

Any examples of how to design this would be wonderfully helpful!


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fancy Avatar asked Aug 05 '11 04:08


People also ask

Can you store passwords in MongoDB?

js, MongoDB, and Mongoose, there will be times where you'll need to handle user passwords. Since it's a big no-no to store passwords as plain-text in your database, how are you supposed to handle and store them? The answer is to create what's called a hash of the password.

How does MongoDB store passwords in encrypted format?

As of version 3.2, MongoDB has no native support for password hashing like some SQL databases provide, so you will have to implement it in Java. To generate a new account or change the password of an existing account: generate a cryptographically secure random salt value with java. security.

Is MongoDB good for node JS?

MongoDB represents the data as a collection of documents rather than tables related by foreign keys. This makes it possible for the varied types of data dealt over the internet to be stored decently and accessed in the web applications using Node. js.

2 Answers

Use this: https://github.com/ncb000gt/node.bcrypt.js/

bcrypt is one of just a few algorithms focused on this use case. You should never be able to decrypt your passwords, only verify that a user-entered cleartext password matches the stored/encrypted hash.

bcrypt is very straightforward to use. Here is a snippet from my Mongoose User schema (in CoffeeScript). Be sure to use the async functions as bycrypt is slow (on purpose).

class User extends SharedUser   defaults: _.extend {domainId: null}, SharedUser::defaults    #Irrelevant bits trimmed...    password: (cleartext, confirm, callback) ->     errorInfo = new errors.InvalidData()     if cleartext != confirm       errorInfo.message = 'please type the same password twice'       errorInfo.errors.confirmPassword = 'must match the password'       return callback errorInfo     message = min4 cleartext     if message       errorInfo.message = message       errorInfo.errors.password = message       return callback errorInfo     self = this     bcrypt.gen_salt 10, (error, salt)->       if error         errorInfo = new errors.InternalError error.message         return callback errorInfo       bcrypt.encrypt cleartext, salt, (error, hash)->         if error           errorInfo = new errors.InternalError error.message           return callback errorInfo         self.attributes.bcryptedPassword = hash         return callback()    verifyPassword: (cleartext, callback) ->     bcrypt.compare cleartext, @attributes.bcryptedPassword, (error, result)->       if error         return callback(new errors.InternalError(error.message))       callback null, result 

Also, read this article, which should convince you that bcrypt is a good choice and help you avoid becoming "well and truly effed".

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Peter Lyons Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09

Peter Lyons

This is the best example I've come across to date, uses node.bcrypt.js http://devsmash.com/blog/password-authentication-with-mongoose-and-bcrypt

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chovy Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09
