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Storing Passwords for External APIs - Best Practice

If I built an application that accessed some of the data from say Gmail, Twitter and Facebook, and I want the user to be able to only have to enter their authentication info once, and it's reset after some days or weeks, what is the best way to do this, dynamically, in Ruby?

I see a lot of people just having a config file of their clients'/users' credentials like so:

    username: myClient
    password: myClientsPassword

This seems a) like it's very insecure, and b) it wouldn't work if I wanted to store this kind of information for thousands of users. What is the recommended way to do this?

I would like to be able to build an interface on top of these services, so having to enter credentials every time the user made a transaction isn't feasible.

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Lance Avatar asked Dec 13 '09 21:12


4 Answers

If you're comforatable with the potential liability when a hacker gets into your database / filesystem, then go for it. And in all fairness, you should also disclose to your users that their passwords will be stored on your system, and let them decide if they want to give your program that level of trust.

But why do this in the first place? Facebook Connect and Twitter & Google using OAuth there's no need for you to store user passwords at all. At some point a user's cookies will expire (or they'll try to access your site from another computer) and they'll have to re-authenticate. You can't prevent re-authentication - instead, you should make it as easy for the end user to handle as possible.

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leepowers Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 02:11


Such services are providing OpenAuth authorization. You are strongly recommended to have a look at it.

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khelll Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 03:11



I assume your application needs to know the password in plaintext. Then there is no way around storing it in some kind of plain way.

  • Store in some kind of encoded way eg. Base64, this protects you from knowing password when looking through the database with your eyes, but it does not protect you from anything else.
  • Ensure that the files are not readable from any other user
  • Encrypt your harddrive, so nobody can get the passwords from stealing your harddrive. Your computer will require inputung you the password during booting.


There is nothing wrong with storing much data in your filesystem. For better performance you can do the following

  • One file for each user, so the filesystem and not ruby needs to search for the data
  • Make a lot of subdirectorys. Some filessystems performance suffer's if you put to many files into one directory. eg. put the file 'abcd' into 'a/b/c/d'

You could use a database instead of the filesystem

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johannes Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 01:11


This is the way it works for instance for fetcmailrc which has to be chmod to 600 (readeable and writable only by his owner). And yes, it contains the plain password.

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Aif Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 01:11
