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Storing objects in PHP session




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Can I store object in session PHP?

The serialize() function in PHP can be used before storing the object, and the unserialize() function can be called when the object needs to be retrieved from the session. The function converts a storable representation of a specific value into a sequence of bits.

What should I store in PHP session?

A session is a way to store information (in variables) to be used across multiple pages. Unlike a cookie, the information is not stored on the users computer.

What is stored in $_ session?

The PHP session which is accessible via the global variable $_SESSION is stored on the server as files by default. Also the reference to it (called session_id ) is stored on client side as browser cookies.

Can PHP store objects in array?

We can create an array of objects by creating an object of the stdClass in PHP. The stdClass is defined in the standard set of functions in PHP. It is not a base class of objects; rather, it is an empty class that can be used to typecast and set dynamic properties.

You need to use the magic __sleep and __wakeup methods for PHP 5 Objects.

For example in the following code block:

$obj = new Object();

$_SESSION['obj'] = serialize($obj);

$obj = unserialize($_SESSION['obj']);

__sleep is called by serialize(). A sleep method will return an array of the values from the object that you want to persist.

__wakeup is called by unserialize(). A wakeup method should take the unserialized values and initialize them in them in the object.

Your code example isn't using references as the documentation was referring to. This is what php means by references:

$var =& $GLOBALS["var"];

As to putting objects into the session, PHP can store objects in $_SESSION. See http://example.preinheimer.com/sessobj.php.

What you are seeing is a bug in the order of calls to __sleep and __destruct (__destruct is being called before __sleep) and the session module fails to serialize the object at shutdown. This bug was opened on Sep 1, 2009.

For safe serialization and unserialization encode and decode with base64_encode() and base64_decode() respectively. Below I pass a serialized Object to a session and unserialize it on the other page to regain the variable to an object state.

Page 1


require  $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/classes/RegistrationClass.php';
$registrationData= new RegistrationClass();
$reg_serlizer = base64_encode(serialize($registrationData));   //serilize the object to create a string representation
$_SESSION['regSession'] = $reg_serlizer;

Page 2

require  $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/classes/RegistrationClass.php';
$reg_unserilizeObj = 

This article describes issues that may be faced by not doing so. issuses with php serialization/unserialization

You were right saying you can not store references in sessions variables assigning an object in PHP 5 and above is doing just that assigning the reference not the obj

That its why you would need to serialize the object (implementing also __sleep in the Class) and assigning the string to a session variable

and deserializing it later (implementing also __wake in the Class) from the session variable later on.