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Stored Procedures - End of days

I’m listening to the Hanselminutes Podcast; "StackOverflow uses ASP.NET MVC - Jeff Atwood and his technical team". During the course of the Podcast they are speaking about SQL server and say something along the lines of 'The days of the Stored Procedure are over'.

Now I'm not a DBA but this has taken me a bit by surprise. I always assumed that SPs were the way to go for speed (as they are complied) and security not to mention scalability and maintainability. If this is not the case and SPs are on their last legs, what will replace them or what should we be doing in the future?

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Skittles Avatar asked Oct 24 '08 01:10


People also ask

When should a stored procedure be written?

A stored procedure is a prepared SQL code that you can save, so the code can be reused over and over again. So if you have an SQL query that you write over and over again, save it as a stored procedure, and then just call it to execute it.

Is stored procedures obsolete?

Stored procedures have been falling out of favour for several years now. The preferred approach these days for accessing a relational database is via an O/R mapper such as NHibernate or Entity Framework. Stored procedures require much more work to develop and maintain.

How do you see the last time a stored procedure was executed?

The type_desc column includes the object type while the execution_count column shows the number of times the stored procedure has been executed since it was last compiled. This can be useful information when researching performance issues.

1 Answers

maybe i'm too old-school, or too lazy, or both, but i have to disagree. Time and again stored procedures have 'saved the day' because when a minor back-end change or bug appears we only have to fix the stored procedure instead of updating the desktop application on several dozen desktops plus the web server. In addition, the users are not interrupted. This saves a great deal of effort and user hassle.

In addition, some DB operations are just going to be more efficient on the server rather than going back-and-forth across the network, esp. when one stored procedure calls another which calls another etc. (with or without cursors)

EDIT: in a SOA architecture the update-the-client-apps issue is mitigated (thanks maud-dib), but stored procedures calling each other is still more efficient than multiple network round-trips to the SOA layer. And updating the SOA layer is not always trivial either.

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Steven A. Lowe Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10

Steven A. Lowe