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Stored procedure with table name as parameter amongst others

I have tried to update a stored procedure which worked fine without the need to use sp_executesql. I now want to have the table name as a parameter as I have a number of tables with the same structure and don't want to create new stored procedures for each of them.

The problem I have is that this version seems to require all the parameters, while the previous one accepted any number of parameters. For instance, if I remove all the WHERE parameters and just have the @TableName parameter it works fine. I;ve tried looking for an example, but I cannot find anything like this. All the examples of parsing the table name have only that parameter.

    @TableName sysname,
    @Square nvarchar(100) = null,
    @Location nvarchar(100) = null,
    @Name nvarchar(100) = null,
    @NormalizedName nvarchar(100) = null,
    @SharedLand int = 0,
    @FieldNumber int = 0,
    @Description nvarchar(255) = null,
    @Dwelling nvarchar(100) = null
    SET @sql = 'SELECT * FROM [' + @TableName + ']' + 
    'WHERE ([Square] LIKE ''' + @Square + ''' OR ''' + @Square + ''' IS NULL)' + 
    'AND ([Location] = ''' + @Location + ''' OR ''' + @Location + ''' IS NULL)' +
--PRINT @sql
EXEC sp_executesql @sql

Suggestions please.

like image 852
Peter C Avatar asked Jun 15 '13 00:06

Peter C

People also ask

Can we pass table name as parameter in stored procedures?

Unfortunately, you can't use a variable containing the table name in an INSERT statement. The error message is actually occurring because it is expecting a variable that is a table type to insert rows into, but you're passing a variable with a string value.

How do you pass a table as parameter to stored procedure from another stored procedure?

Create a user-defined table type that corresponds to the table that you want to populate. Pass the user-defined table to the stored procedure as a parameter. Inside the stored procedure, select the data from the passed parameter and insert it into the table that you want to populate.

Can pass 3 types of parameters to stored procedures What are they?

As a program, a stored procedure can take parameters. There are three types of parameters: IN, OUT and INOUT.

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CROSS APPLY does not work for Stored Procedures, as they do not return datasets, just report outputs. Functions return anything, so that's why SQL can only use them when using CROSS APPLY.

1 Answers

Suggestion 1: Use QUOTENAME() to handle proper escaping of the table name.

Suggestion 2: You are inserting the value of the parameter into @sql. Don't do that. Instead you should use pameterized the sql.

Suggestion 3: Eliminate the OR logic by conditionally building the query's WHERE clause.

    @TableName sysname,
    @Square nvarchar(100) = null,
    @Location nvarchar(100) = null,
    @Name nvarchar(100) = null,
    @NormalizedName nvarchar(100) = null,
    @SharedLand int = 0,
    @FieldNumber int = 0,
    @Description nvarchar(255) = null,
    @Dwelling nvarchar(100) = null
    SET @sql = N'SELECT * FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@TableName ) + 
    ' WHERE 1=1 '
    IF  @Square IS NOT NULL
      SET @sql = @sql + ' AND ([Square] LIKE   @Square )'  -- still patameterized
   IF @Location IS NOT NULL
      SET @sql = @sql + N'  AND ([Location] = @Loc )'
--PRINT @sql
EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@Square nvarchar(100), @Loc nvarchar(100)...', @square=@square, @loc=@location  -- the param names can be the same or different, sp_executesql has it's own scope.

Sp_executesql can execute parameterized sql in addition to plain sql. It is the underlying system stored procedure that is used by client libraries to execute parameterized code. For example, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand will call sp_executesql if you have added any parameters. It is atypical in that it accepts a variable number of parameters. The msdn docs on sp_executesql provide some good information, but isn't clear. Capturing activity in SQL profiler is the easiest way to see sp_executesql in action.

like image 131
StrayCatDBA Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 01:11
