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store multiple values in maps




problem: Store both an IP address as well as a time to a counter. something like this

ip, time, count

and then i would like to be able to increment the count for each ip:


in my map, and then on a given interval, i would like to iterate all keys and find the keys with a time stamp older than N minutes.

I need this to make sure i don't "forget" a key in memory if for some reason, client disconnect and i dont delete the key properly.


Question: How do i add a time stamp to every IP address i store in my map. Also i need this be be used across multiple go routines

Im new to both programming and Golang, so if this is not even the correct approach, if anyone could point me in the right direction, i would appreciate it.

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Ventosus Avatar asked Dec 03 '22 19:12


2 Answers

For example,

package main

import (

type IPCounter struct {
    IPAddr string
    Time   time.Time
    Count  int

type ipCounterMap struct {
    counters map[string]IPCounter
    mutex    sync.RWMutex

var ipCounters = ipCounterMap{counters: make(map[string]IPCounter)}

// Get IP address counter
func Counter(ipAddr string) IPCounter {
    defer ipCounters.mutex.RUnlock()
    counter, found := ipCounters.counters[ipAddr]
    if !found {
        counter.IPAddr = ipAddr
    return counter

// Increment IP address counter
func Incr(ipAddr string) {
    now := time.Now().UTC()
    defer ipCounters.mutex.Unlock()
    counter, found := ipCounters.counters[ipAddr]
    if !found {
        counter.IPAddr = ipAddr
    counter.Time = now
    ipCounters.counters[ipAddr] = counter

// Delete IP address counter
func Delete(ipAddr string) {
    defer ipCounters.mutex.Unlock()
    delete(ipCounters.counters, ipAddr)

// Get old IP address counters old durations ago
func OldIPCounters(old time.Duration) []IPCounter {
    var counters []IPCounter
    oldTime := time.Now().UTC().Add(-old)
    defer ipCounters.mutex.RUnlock()
    for _, counter := range ipCounters.counters {
        if counter.Time.Before(oldTime) {
            counters = append(counters, counter)
    return counters

func main() {}
like image 57
peterSO Avatar answered Jan 14 '23 17:01


You probably want a map of ip -> struct { ip, counter, lastTime } that way, you can look up the counter by ip and then update it

var Counters = map[string]*Counter{}

type Counter struct {
    ip       string
    count    int
    lastTime time.Time

Here's a working example on Play http://play.golang.org/p/TlCTc_4iq5

Adding the find older than is simply range over the values of the map comparing to now and do something when it's old enough.

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David Budworth Avatar answered Jan 14 '23 17:01

David Budworth