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Store heroku pg backup on own S3 bucket



Heroku offers automatic and scheduled backups of your PG database. https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-postgres-data-safety-and-continuous-protection

GBackups will launch a dedicated dyno to take a dump of your database and upload it to S3

Simple question: Is it possible to upload a scheduled PG backup to one's OWN S3 Bucket? Simply to have control over the backup files and to not be limited in Storage space. Researching this topic did not provide me with an answer if this is possible.

like image 952
DonMB Avatar asked Mar 29 '16 14:03


1 Answers

You can do it by using Heroku scheduler and a bash script.

# Set the script to fail fast if there
# is an error or a missing variable

set -eu
set -o pipefail


# Download the latest backup from
# Heroku and gzip it

heroku pg:backups:download --output=/tmp/pg_backup.dump --app $APP_NAME
gzip /tmp/pg_backup.dump

# Encrypt the gzipped backup file
# using GPG passphrase

gpg --yes --batch --passphrase=$PG_BACKUP_PASSWORD -c /tmp/pg_backup.dump.gz

# Remove the plaintext backup file

rm /tmp/pg_backup.dump.gz

# Generate backup filename based
# on the current date

BACKUP_FILE_NAME="heroku-backup-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M').gpg"

# Upload the file to S3 using

aws s3 cp /tmp/pg_backup.dump.gz.gpg "s3://${S3_BUCKET_NAME}/${BACKUP_FILE_NAME}"

# Remove the encrypted backup file

rm /tmp/pg_backup.dump.gz.gpg

You can check out this tutorial for detailed step by step explanation.

like image 52
pawurb Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 18:09
