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Storage Permission in Flutter

I am trying to get storage permission in the initstate() function of the class.I used two packages - Simple_Permissions and Permission package. But both give the same error to me.

FYI - I have put the permission in manifest already.

"E/SimplePermission( 6405): set to never ask againandroid.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE I/SimplePermission( 6405): Requesting permission status : 4 I/flutter ( 6405): permission request result is PermissionStatus.deniedNeverAsk"

What I understood from this is that this error should come if the permission was set to "never ask again" by the user . But it is the first time I am requesting storage permission in my app .

What I have tried:

  1. Uninstalling and reinstalling the app.
  2. Using 2 different permission packages
  3. Running app on different Android Versions, different emulators.

I request 2 permissions in my app, one for location and other for writing storage.

When I go to the settings --> installed apps --> permissions --> I CAN see the permission for location and I can turn it on/off. But I CANNOT see permission for storage.

like image 701
Taha Ali Avatar asked Jan 23 '19 07:01

Taha Ali

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Another way to access storage using permission_handler package status.isUndetermined is used to determine whether we had asked for permission yet or not. var status = await Permission.storage.status; if (status.isUndetermined) { // You can request multiple permissions at once.

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This Permission handler plugin for Flutter is developed by Baseflow. You can contact us at [email protected]

2 Answers

Have you added the below code to android manifest file?

uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" 
like image 80
Keerti Purswani Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

Keerti Purswani

Another way to access storage using permission_handler package

  permission_handler: ^5.0.1

Code Snippet

status.isUndetermined is used to determine whether we had asked for permission yet or not.

          var status = await Permission.storage.status;
           if (status.isUndetermined) {
                // You can request multiple permissions at once.
                Map<Permission, PermissionStatus> statuses = await [
                print(statuses[Permission.storage]); // it should print PermissionStatus.granted

Note: Don't forget to add permission in AndroidMenifest for android & info.plist for iOS.

like image 32
Jitesh Mohite Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 23:09

Jitesh Mohite