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Stop VS 2010 from Auto Creating Braces After else keyword

I'm using VS 2010, and I'm getting constantly annoyed when I type "else" and then it auto returns line and adds braces. Something like:



I cannot imagine I'm the only one who often puts one-liners after the else and prefers no braces. How do I stop this from happening?

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themaestro Avatar asked Jul 12 '11 13:07


2 Answers

I also found this behavior very annoying.

My first attempt involved opening the Templates Explorer (ReSharper / Templates Explorer...), selecting C#, then unchecking "else". This did get rid of the braces. Unfortunately, hitting enter after "else" now just added a space! I was having to hit enter twice. Not quite what I was hoping for.

But if you double-click on the else template it opens up an editor where you can specify what happens. I found that simply removing the braces gave me the functionality I desired - hitting enter after an else was now putting me on a new line, tabbed over under the else - without braces.

To recap, to fix this you need to open Resharper's Templates Explorer, select the C# scope, then double-click on the else template and remove the braces. Your template "snippet" should look like this (just two lines):


This works in Resharper 6.1 and Visual Studio 2008. I have no idea about other versions of the software.

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bsegraves Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11


Okay, finally figured out what the hell is doing this. I have ReSharper installed on this machine, and apparently the "else" keyword is a ReSharper autocomplete keyword. So even after I turned off the braces completion, ReSharper was still kicking in and adding them. Rage. In order to stop this, you have to turn off the ReSharper autocomplete.

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themaestro Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11
