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Stop Oracle from generating sqlnet.log file


People also ask

Can we delete Sqlnet log?

Hi, yes, you can delete it but it will be recreated empty next time an SQL connection will be attempted.

Where is the Sqlnet log file?

log files on your client. By default, Oracle will place sqlnet. log files in the current application directories on your PC client. For example, a failed MS-Access session might be found in c:\access\sqlnet.

Is Sqlnet Ora necessary?

The sqlnet. ora file is very important file for database server and client machines, because it includes the profile configuration file ( tracing options, encryption, route of connections, external naming parameters etc). Database server can be configured with access control parameters using the sqlnet.

What does Sqlnet expire_time do?

The SQLNET. EXPIRE_TIME specifies a time interval (in minutes) to send a check, which verifies that the client/server connections are active. Setting a value greater than 0 ensures that connections are not left open indefinitely, due to an abnormal client termination.

I'm using DBD::Oracle in perl, and whenever a connection fails, the client generates a sqlnet.log file with error details.

The thing is, I already have the error trapped by perl, and in my own log file. I really don't need this extra information.

So, is there a flag or environment for stopping the creation of sqlnet.log?