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Stop LastPass filling out a form



to an input field disabled the grey LastPass [...] box for me.

Sourced from LastPass.com

Two conditions have to be met:

  1. The form (not the element) needs to have autocomplete="off" attribute
  2. Lastpass user needs to have this option enabled:
    • (old) Settings > Advanced > Allow pages to disable autofill
    • (new) Account Options > Extension Preferences > Advanced > Respect AutoComplete=off: allow websites to disable Autofill

So this depends on both user and the developer.

What worked for me is having word "-search-" in the id of the form, something like <form id="affiliate-search-form"> - and lastpass doesn't add its elements onto the form inputs. It works with something simpler like <form id="search"> but doesn't work with <form id="se1rch">

I know I'm late to the party here, but I found this when I was trying to stop lastpass from ruining my forms. @takeshin is correct in that autocomplete is not enough. I ended up doing the hack below just to hide the symbol. Not pretty, but I got rid of the icon.

If any lastpass developers are reading this, please give us an attribute to use, so we don't have to resort to stuff like this.

form[autocomplete="off"] input[type="text"] {
    background-position: 150% 50% !important;