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Stop "?" from being added to URL


I currently have an Angular 2 app where the user can submit a form to create a new item. When the submit button is clicked, it calls a function that sends the data to the server and navigates to a new page when the server confirms that the data has been saved successfully.

My problem comes because the form submission appends the form parameters to the URL. So for example if I had an input named title and submission took me to the route mytitle which is the input for the title field, Angular (or whatever injects the GET parameters) would try to navigate to mysite.com/mytitle?title=mytitle instead of just mysite.com/mytitle. Even adding [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}" to all of my inputs still leaves a question mark with no parameters after it.

This is a problem because it causes Angular to reload the app because the given route does not match any routes in my route definitions. Is there a way to disable the GET parameters being injected into the URL entirely? POST doesn't work either because I have nowhere to post to, and my next URL uses data from the form itself.

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Sawyer Knoblich Avatar asked Aug 01 '16 20:08

Sawyer Knoblich

1 Answers

I found an answer to my question, the "Submit" button defaulted to being of type "submit", so changing it to type "button" removed the GET parameters injection behavior.

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Sawyer Knoblich Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Sawyer Knoblich