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STL: writing "where" operator for a vector





I need to find the indexes in the vector based on several boolean predicates.


vector<float> v;
vector<int> idx;

idx=where( bool_func1(v), bool_func2(v), ... );

What is the way to declare **where** function, in order to use the several user defined boolean functions over the vector?

thanks Arman.

Edit after one week

I did some complex solutions with templates. But in reality one can use already predefined valarray for my tasks. Here is the code snippet maybe one can find it useful:

  double dr=Rc/(double)Nbins, r;
  valarray<double> vz(&data.vz[0], data.vz.size());
  double mvel=vz.sum()/(double)vz.size();
  for(size_t i=0l;i<Nbins;i++)
   valarray<bool> ids = (dist < r+dr) && (dist > r);//The magic valarray<bool>
    valarray<double> d=vz[ids];//we can use indirect operation.
    sigma[i]= sqrt(d.sum()/(double)d.size());
    cout<<i<<") "<<r<<" "<<sigma[i]<<endl;
like image 754
Arman Avatar asked Jun 08 '10 17:06


1 Answers

Make your bool_xxx functions actually functors of a specific kind of type (tag dispatching would be enough). Then override || and && for them such that these operators return a bool_and, or bool_or. Then you can use your bool_ predicates like so:

std::find_if(vect.begin(), vect.end(), bool_x1() || bool_x2() && (bool_x3() || bool_x4() && bool_x5()));

If you're tempted to write a "where" function then you apparently want to do this more than once with a different set of bool_xxx functions. Even if you know that you want a certain type of composition now, you may as well make it as universal as possible. This is how I'd do it.


Based on this comment: @Jerry: For example I need to know: id=where(v < 10.0 && v>1.0); and somewhere later I would like to know: id=where(v < fun(v)); you may be better off with boost::lambda:

namespace l = boost::lambda;
std::find_if(vect.begin(), vect.end(), l::_1 < 10.0 && l::_1 > 1.0);
std::find_if(vect.begin(), vect.end(), l::_1 < l::bind(fun, l::_1));

Or, if you hate lambda or aren't allowed to use it...or just want a very slightly nicer syntax (but inability to use functions directly) then just make your own placeholder type and override it to return bool_xxx functors on operators <, >, etc...

Edit2: Here's an untested where that returns a vector of iterators to all objects matching:

template < typename ForwardIter, typename Predicate >
std::vector<ForwardIter> where(ForwardIter beg, ForwardIter end, Predicate pred)
  ForwardIter fit = std::find_if(beg,end,pred);
  if (fit == end) return std::vector<ForwardIter>();

  ForwardIter nit = fit; ++nit;
  std::vector<ForwardIter> collection = where(nit,end,pred);
  return collection;

It's recursive and could be slow on some implementations but there's one way to do it.

like image 75
Edward Strange Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09

Edward Strange